From Peanut Butter Pie to Peace with Food.
I’ve been obsessed with food since childhood. As a pre-teen, I was rewarded with an entire peanut butter pie for a good report card. College? I mean, buffets for every meal! It’s no wonder I gained the Freshman 15. Papa John’s Pizza never tasted so good than at 2 a.m. after a long night of chugging Natty Ice.
After years of yo-yo dieting, like SlimFast, Metabolife (my heart rate when nuts!), the Grapenuts diet and the "just eat PowerBars" diet, I was constantly hungry and frustrated. And guess what? None of them worked.
I finally ditched the diet rollercoaster and figured out how to enjoy food and feel good.
Warm lemon water, Ryze Mushrooom Coffee w/ collagen, 7 minute meditation, journaling, reading, walking, making meals, a protein smoothie and lots of hugs from my boys & hubby.
Walking outside, on coaching calls with my amazing clients, cooking, watching my kids play sports, and out to dinner with girlfriends. Cheers!
Negative people, extremes, deprivation.
The Golden Rule, nature is healing, you can be healthy and a foodie, standing up for what you believe in, prioritizing sleep, a gratitude practice, dance like no one is watching and quality time with girlfriends who get you.
Now, as a Certified Holistic Health Coach, I help busy moms break free from diets, manage stress and create simple wellness routines that actually work. You can feel amazing, have energy, and still eat the foods you love—because this mom is never giving up chips, guac & margaritas. EVER.
My passion in life is to help mothers prioritize their overall well-being, so they can feel more energized, empowered and joyful in their lives.
My love for food led me to a career in television, where I hosted a national food and travel show on Cooking Channel, cooked on the Hallmark Channel, and even ate outrageous meals like Cheeseburger Lasagna on Epic Meal Empire. Click here to see the action!
But when I became pregnant, my priorities changed & my purpose became crystal clear—I wanted to promote health and wellness and help other moms feel their best without the guilt, stress, or endless restrictions.
to Meghan Trainor
Mexican or Sushi
The Housemaid
Water or champagne!
My Favorite Things
Traveling — whether it's the beach, the lake, the mountains or to a new tiny town, I love exploring new places and meeting new people!
my happy place!
Riding horses is when I feel the most present. I don't get to do it often enough, but my goal is to change that.
I LOVE picnics! There's something about eating wine and cheese and all the other goodies outside in nature, that just lights me up! It's always a must for either Mother's Day or my birthday! Scott knows :)
My Favorite Things
Sunshine. Wayfarers kickstarter semiotics, quinoa godard dreamcatcher hexagon pop-up hoodie.
Ice cream. Microdosing gochujang keffiyeh salvia. Hoodie knausgaard art party.
my guilty pleasure
Photos! Hashtag fashion axe palo santo fanny pack, ramps cornhole messenger bag asymmetrical.
Where I stand on the super important stuff... Agree / disagree?
This That
A simple, no-fuss guide to making protein smoothies that keep your blood sugar steady, your body nourished, and your hunger satisfied for hours!
You're gonna want this!
let's work together
Listen, I'm a mom just like you who gets it. Between school drop-offs, snack requests, and never-ending to-do lists, taking care of you can feel impossible. But I have your back!
did we just become best friends?